Raw materials and addition ratio of chicken grain feed



Raw materials and addition ratio of chicken grain feed

What are the grain-based chicken feeds that native chickens often eat? Knowing the grain-based chicken feeds that chickens often eat during the breeding process of native chickens will help farmers to provide enough grain-based chicken feed for chickens in chicken farms, thereby Promoting the healthy growth of chicken flocks in chicken farms and improving the conversion rate of chicken feed will help farmers to create considerable benefits for native chicken breeding. Let's take a look.
What are the cereal chicken feeds that the native chickens often eat?
①Corn: Corn is one of the most important chicken feeds in the chicken industry, with a metabolizable energy of up to 14.10 MJ/kg, a crude protein content of 8.0%~8.7%, a crude fat content of 3.3%~3.6%, and a nitrogen-free extract content of 70.7%. %~71.2%, crude fiber content is 1.6%~2.0%. Good palatability and easy to digest. Yellow corn is rich in lutein and carotene and is a good source of yellow pigment in egg yolks and skin, claws, and beaks. Corn oil is rich in linoleic acid. The disadvantage of corn is that the protein content is low and the quality is poor, the content of tryptophan and lysine is seriously insufficient, and the content of calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins (except vitamin B.) is also low. In the turkey diet, corn can account for 50% to 70%.
②Wheat: The energy content of wheat is about 12.89 MJ/kg, the crude protein content is high, generally 12%~15%, and the amino acid ratio is better than other cereal feeds, and the content of B vitamins is also richer. Good palatability, easy to digest, can be used as the main energy feed for chickens, generally accounting for 10% to 30% of the diet. However, because wheat does not contain carotenoids and lutein, it will affect the skin color of chickens. When the diet contains more than 50% wheat, chickens are prone to fatty liver syndrome, and biotin must be considered. The B-glucan and pentosan of wheat are higher than those of corn. Adding corresponding enzyme preparations to the feed is beneficial to the weight gain of chickens and the improvement of feed conversion rate.
③Sorghum: The carbohydrate and protein content of sorghum is similar to that of corn, the total nutritional value is about 90% of that of corn, the metabolizable energy is about 12.3 MJ/kg, and the crude protein content is 9.0%. Its feed value is significantly affected by its tannin content, which reduces the digestibility of dietary amino acids and energy. The dark red varieties of sorghum have more tannins in their skins, and the taste is astringent. Chickens do not like to eat them. The feeding amount should be less than 10%; white or yellow sorghum with low tannins can generally account for 15% to 20% of the diet. %. When using sorghum with high tannin content, attention should be paid to the addition of vitamin A, methionine, lysine and choline, as well as the supplement of essential fatty acids.
④Barley: The carbohydrate content of barley is slightly lower than that of corn, the metabolizable energy is about 11.3 MJ/kg, the protein content is about 12%, the quality is also good, the lysine content is high (about 0.44%), and the niacin content is rich. The palatability is slightly worse than that of corn and wheat, while sorghum is better. But if it is too finely crushed and used too much, the chicken will not like to eat it because of its stickiness. The crude fiber content of barley is high, and the dosage in the diet is 10%~20%. The content of J3 glucan and pentosan in barley is higher, and the addition of corresponding enzyme preparations to chicken feed can improve the weight gain and feed conversion rate of chickens. The use of more than 30% barley in chick diets can cause slow growth in chicks.
⑤Rice: Rice contains 20% husk, and crude fiber is as high as 8.5%, so the metabolizable energy is only 10.45~10.9 MJ/kg, and the crude protein content is about 7.8%. Due to its high crude fiber content, rice is generally not used in chick diets. When the chickens are stocked in the middle and late stages, 20% to 30% of rice can be mixed into the compound feed.
⑥ Brown rice and broken rice: Brown rice is the grain of rice after the husk has been removed. The metabolizable energy is about 13.9 MJ/kg, the crude protein content is about 8.8%, and the essential amino acid content is similar to that of corn, but the content of tryptophan is higher than that of corn. Corn is high. Broken rice is the broken grain of brown rice when the bran is removed to make edible rice. Its metabolizable energy content is similar to that of corn, and the content of other nutrients is similar to or slightly higher than that of brown rice. Brown rice and broken rice have high starch content, low cellulose content and are easy to digest. They are the main energy feeds in rice producing areas. Broken rice and brown rice can account for 20% to 40% of the diet.
Farmers should pay attention to the selection of grain chicken feed and the correct feeding method. This is also the scientific breeding and management of chicken farms. The key is to ensure the success of native chicken farming.