Solution,pellet making machine solution
How to reduce fingerling mortality
How to reduce fingerling mortality
In the rearing of catfish one of the challenges the farmer faces is high mortality rates both for those using surface tanks (block pond, plastic tank etc.) or earthen ponds. For farmers that purchase fingerlings, these losses can be crippling to their business and this article shows how to reduce these losses.
Ways to get low cost protein for fish feed making
Ways to get low cost protein for fish feed making
Fish feed play an important role in the aquaculture production. A balanced fish diet rich in proteins will lead to a greater development and growth of these aqua animals.
How to make rabbit feed pellet?
How to make rabbit feed pellet?
Raising rabbits for meat is an increasingly popular farming operation in Maine. Rabbits don’t take a lot of space to raise and are efficient feed converters. A rabbit’s digestive system requires a balance of the right nutrients to promote healthy growth and energy. Feed pellets are ideal rabbit food and most rabbit owners choose rabbit pellets to feed their rabbits because they are nutritious which are composed of compressed alfalfa, grains and vitamins and can be fed to rabbits of all ages also simple to store.
Straw pellet production for feed
Straw pellet production for feed
Straw pellet is a kind of pressed pellet, it can be used as feed for animal farming or fuels in home use. The shape of straw pellets are similar to a cylinder, it is generally 3-8mm in diameter and 10-30mm in length. Straw pellets are made from the straws of various plants including wheat, rice, corn, etc. They can be produced by straw pellet mill either in the pellet processing factory or in your own farm.
Straw pellet is a kind of pressed pellet, it can be used as feed for animal farming or fuels in home use.
Moisture content control of sheep feed pellet production
Moisture content control of sheep feed pellet production
Moisture is a key ingredient in the sheep feed pellet production, it is also a very important quality index of feed pellet quality.
Pelleted feeds is a kind of compound feed, which is agglomerated feeds formed by extruding individual ingredients or mixtures by compacting and forcing through die openings by feed pellet mill. These larger pellet feed are easier to handle, more palatable and usually result in improved feeding results when compared to the powdery feed, which is widely used in the sector of animal husbandry for feeding chicken, duck, cattle, sheep, pig and other kinds of animals.
How to start fish farming business in Kenya?
How to start fish farming business in Kenya?
Select the type of fish farming

The first thing you need to consider when starting a fish farm is the type of fish that you are going to use for farming. Selecting the right species of fish plays an important role in the success of the fish farming business.

Tilapia is a popular fish in the market. Its large size, high protein content, quick growth (6 to 7 months), is the main reasons that making tilapia fish farming highly popular and profitable. In commercial fish farming, earth ponds are mostly used.
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